Query regarding enrollment

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Registriert: Fr 26. Mai 2023, 09:30

Bearbeitet Query regarding enrollment

Beitrag von SiddhanthY »

Hello sir/ma'am, I will start my Masters in Physics this Winter semester. I have paid my semester contribution but unfortunately due to the delay in the arrival of my visa, I will be able to reach Hamburg on 25th October.
I got an email regarding semester re-enrollment. Am I supposed to do that as a new student at UHH or is it only for students who have completed at least one semester?

Also, since I will be able to reach on 25th October, may I know is there is any procedure which I must complete to confirm my admission (apart from my semester contribution payment)

Thank you
Siddhanth Yeshwanth Raj
Campus-Center - BK
Beiträge: 5824
Registriert: Mi 17. Dez 2014, 13:08

Re: Query regarding enrollment

Beitrag von Campus-Center - BK »

Dear Siddhanth,

This email should not be received by first semester students. Sorry that this cause a confusion.

Everything is fine with your enrollment - I would suggest to inform your academic office about your late arrival as you are not able to take part at the orientation week as well, too.

Best regards,
Beratung und Administration
Universität Hamburg