Bachelors in Law for Master of Science in Politics, Economics and Philosophy

Beiträge: 1
Registriert: Mi 6. Nov 2024, 10:36

Bearbeitet Bachelors in Law for Master of Science in Politics, Economics and Philosophy

Beitrag von kashafshah »


Hope you are doing well,

I wanted to enquire whether Bachelors in Law is an eligible degree for the program "Master of Science in Politics, Economics and Philosophy".

I have 180 Ects in ba llb hons and was considering whether I can apply?

Campus Center - L. Hildebrandt
Beiträge: 438
Registriert: Fr 19. Feb 2016, 11:13

Re: Bachelors in Law for Master of Science in Politics, Economics and Philosophy

Beitrag von Campus Center - L. Hildebrandt »

Hello kashafshah,

General information for international applicants for a master's program at Universität Hamburg is provided here: ... aster.html

The application information for Politics, Economics and Philosophy can be found here:
Please redirect any subsequent question directly to the faculty. Contact information can be found at the end of the document.

Kind regards,
L. Hildebrandt

Universität Hamburg

Abteilung 3 - Studium und Lehre
Referat 30 - Beratung und Administration
Team 304 - Schriftliche Information und Beratung